I'm talking about her nose.
We all had a round of what I thought was a respectably nasty head-cold the second week of December. We all got it, and we all felt just terrible. We were all just starting to get over it when "A" brought home the super-bug from daycare.
Tony got sick on Saturday . "A" got sick on Christmas Eve. With both of them coughing and hacking and nose running, I knew I was a goner.
I got the full force of it yesterday. To say I would have welcomed the Grim Reaper with open arms would not be an exaggeration. I felt like I had been hit by a cartoon steamroller. Actually, I felt like my airway was closing off and I was being choked by my own throat.
So, with "A" in tow, I went to the doctor. I got antibiotics just like Tony. Then I took "A" to the doctor, just in case. Her pediatrician remarked that she has had a growth spurt, but was otherwise just fine, and to call if she starts spiking fevers.
My little Typhoid Mary. She's weathering it better than most of us, and she can't even properly blow her own nose.
She has been so sweet the last few days. Except for the runny nose you would never know she was sick. I adore her funny little ways.
But our house is a general plague area at the moment. I'll be putting up the yellow hazard tape to keep people out.