To the mentally unhinged woman that left me over 30 voice mails at work over the weekend:
1. Oh. My. God. Get help. Get help right now before you hurt yourself, or worse yet, someone else.
2. You are not a "devout Christian" like you say you are. You are a raving lunatic who needs medicine ASAP.
3. God does not kill people at your request, no matter how much you pray.
4. Nobody has stolen your organs, so they can't be given back to you.
5. I don't think you are even aware that you were leaving that many voice mails, or even that you were speaking into a recording.
6. You scared the crap outta me. Just the sound of your raving sent a chill down my spine and brought me to tears.
7. Accusing innocent and perhaps imaginary people of murdering children is an innapropriate use of government resources.
8. You don't know me at all, and for that I am grateful. But I had to listen to each and every one of your messages to ensure that our staff was not being directly threatened with harm.
9. Who knows if we will even find you, since you didn't say your name and we can only guess.
10. Thank you for ruining my morning. You may be excused.
And for anybody in my life who has ever called me crazy. You are just wrong.