I gotta fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!
Or, to be more pedestrian, I have had nonstop colds/flu/cough since November. I just can't get well no matter what I do. It has given my whole life that "walking in sand" feeling. I have taken so much cold medicine and cough syrup that my body just feels totally beat up. Did anybody get the number of the guy who beat me with that cricket bat?
I was sick sorta like this last year; for a long period of time I just couldn't breathe without coughing. But I wasn't a parent then, and I could just take time off work and rest. I can't do that now. Because A is a foster child still, we get a subsidy to assist us with child care cost. This has allowed us to have her in a great daycare that we really like.
One of the rules of the subsidy, however, is that if I have to stay home sick, A has to be home with me. The one thing that is a major no-no is for me to send her to day care and then go home and go back to bed. I can understand why they would make a rule like that, because people would totally abuse it. But I am so damn ill, I just about cried when I had to force myself to work today. Because let's face it, I will get more rest forcing myself to work than trying to relax at home with an almost 3 year old running around.
And with this subsidy, We only get 15 discretionary days per year to cover holidays and sick days. I think we have used nine of them already due to illness and having to take A to all the appointments she needs. It's nuts.
So I need more cowbell. Lord knows NyQuil isn't helping. Whimper