I'm sure that happens to everyone. I didn't figure there was anything I could do about my nightmares. But I am seeing this new head shrinker who thinks I can. He's been having me write down my dreams and we pick them apart.
I am of course rebelling by being unable to remember many of my dreams, even though I know I am having them. I have so many problems with authority figures, I am willing to sabotage myself. *slaps forehead*
Supposedly, your brain tries to help you out with dreams that serve to fulfill some kind of need that isn't being met in waking life. So, the annoying dreams I have been having about Iceberg, for instance, might go away if I can meet the need for quiet understanding and intimacy that they represent. Maybe if I am doing something a little more active, that will satisfy my brain's desire to blow things up in my dream life.
The idea that my brain is trying to help me is a new one on me. It makes sense, I just never thought of it that way. It could explain a lot of things, actually. Maybe my brain is just more "helpful" than most.
The remaining obstacle is to be able to drop my guard enough to figure this stuff out. It is so stupid that I am paying this guy to help me and I don't want to let him on some level. I get annoyed by the personal questions. How lame is that? Maybe it is because I have absolutely no privacy anymore, except within the confines of my own skull.