I have quirky tastes. But the things I like, I adore. Here are a few:
- Perrier with ice and lime: I like Pellegrino, too. I don't know what it is about the fizzy water, but I just think it is so refreshing.
- Super dark, bittersweet chocolate: So dark you can taste more of the fruity qualities of the bean itself than the sugar they usually dump into it.
- Sacred Geometry: that shit just blows my mind. But it plays into Art and Nature on so many levels, and adds beauty to the mundane world.
- Roses: Of all colors. Not just because I am a romantic fool, but because they smell heavenly and are edible. They also employ sacred geometry.
- Interesting pebbles: I can't resist picking them up and putting them in my pocket.
- Opera: Something about the raw power of the human voice, and the sympathetic vibrations it causes in the listener.
- Dark, mysterious red wines: For the same reasons I love the dark chocolates. I just like them more complex. Like the people in my life.
- Extensive vocabularies: There is something about using the mot juste to get your point across. I like to do it and adore people that can keep up.
- Wild Animals: Don't get me wrong; I love my dog, but that owl sighting I had was just spectacular.
- Art, art, and art: Art really matters to me. Life is just the things we have to experience so that when we look through the prism of art, there is something to see.
- Museums: What did I just say? It is about the art! But it is also about the hush and contemplative silence. Better yet, walking through one with a friend you can hold hands with and whisper to.
That is all for today.
:: a wonderful list of wonderful things ::