Monday, June 28, 2010

Poetry: Fading


From dizzying heights I watch myself fade.
Falling out of your thoughts like a lost star.
No longer illuminating your world with love
I scarcely have a reason to shine.

You won’t forget me all at once,
But little by little you’ll think of me less
Until one day you’ll stop and wonder
When I last crossed your mind.

Maybe you’ll convince yourself
That I never loved you so fiercely
If I was able to walk away from you.
You might think it, but you’ll be wrong.

Inside my orbit, I burn and inward turn.
Despairing, I am a singularity.
My light can’t reach your lush blue world.
 And I’m forced to admit I no longer exist.

Please don’t believe such slander.
Though I fade in your mind you never leave mine.
My hand still reaches for yours in vain.
To offer safety and strength to you.

I may be  fading now.
I may seem translucent now.
I may seem far away now.
But I’m here, as close as a breath on your cheek.

Stacie Ferrante

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That brought tears to my eyes, especially since I know what it's about. Beautiful.
