you've been tagged!
Here are the rules:
A. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog
B. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
C. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as their blogs. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Ah, being tagged when I don't even know 7 bloggers. I doubt even seven people READ my blog.
I'll share some randomness about myself, though. I was tagged by Laura at http://zoeowyn.blogspot.com/
1. I don't know how to grow a thick skin. And yet I bristle when people tell me I'm "too sensitive". It is easy to hurt my feelings, but it is also easy to touch my heart.
2. I used to see ghosts. But so many people have told me that is bullshit that now I don't really see them anymore. Maybe I just choose not to look.
3. I have only ever had black dogs. I don't think I am capable of having a dog of another color.
4. I'm keeping this list boring on purpose. Because I am paranoid that my little girl's biological parents might look me up and read it. Although my life is pretty "normal" these days, I'm not feeling like being expressive about my quirks this morning.
5. Ant phobia. That being said, every Easter time I think about the Easter basket that got infiltrated by big, black ants. Shudder.
6. I am having a spiritual crisis right now. I want to believe that there is a God that cares about my daily life, but I just can't summon that feeling at all. Not that I don't think God is active in other people's lives. I think I just wasn't invited to the party or something. God loves me, but maybe doesn't like me. Just like real family.
7. I don't believe in coincidences. Not even a little. Everything reveals itself to have a purpose if enough time passes.
Image: http://www.gapingvoid.com/Moveable_Type/archives/003090.html
Okay Stacie-
ReplyDeleteI'll comment on #7 of your tagged meme.
Given your post on Will's Blog and mention of Audrey, I will presume you will know which Colin this is.
Did I mention I also live in Reno?
That my wife is a writer?
P.S. It's not fantastic, but good for Reno, there is Dim Sum (of a sort) at Hong Kong Diner II in South Meadows.
Holy smokes!
ReplyDeleteGo figure!