Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Is it too soon to start the experiments?

Ok, is 2 1/2 too early to start the programming? Disturbed by A's obsession with all things pink and princessy, I would prefer it if she were more geeky.

So today we watched "Return of the Jedi". I know it is PG, but I was, you know, providing parental guidance.

She was nonplussed, but she didn't ask me to turn it off, like she does when I watch the History channel.

Is it too soon to start these psychological experiments? I think not. She is already starting to pick up little vocal mannerisms from us, why not give her some real pop culture chops to go with it?

I mean, she is too young for the Boy Wizard, but whiny Luke Skywalker must have something going on that she can relate to!


  1. boy wizard--you mean Harry?
    shes not too young to read the books to her'and shes actually not too young for movie #1
    my kiddos started Harry pre 3
    of course Im not letting her see 5 yet and she now 7+

  2. Thought of your post when I read this on the NOW site: http://www.now.org/news/note/122107.html - when I worked in a toy store in my youth, I did try to encourage people to buy "cross-gender" toys but some people would actually get pissy about it. C'est la vie (or c'est la guerre)... bring on the geek toys!
