Sunday, October 19, 2008

No Way!

No fucking way. I think I am getting sick again. I have a hoarse voice again, and I haven't been talking much today, so it isn't from over-use.

I am tired and achy. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. I have a test tomorrow. A BIG one! I need my head to be CLEAR.

  • Yes, I took vitamin C
  • Yes, I am drinking tea with honey
  • Yes, I am resting
  • No, I don't have a fever, YET
  • Yes, I wanna cry
  • Yes, I need a hug


  1. Here it comes... A giant kiss and a hug...


  2. I hope you can get a good night's sleep at least. Good thing no fever. It may be stress-maybe a bubble bath with candles and a little wine or whine? ; )
