Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Disturbance in the Force

Dude. I feel funky. Something is up; I just don't know what it is yet. I'm just sitting here at work and for NO reason I am feeling almost like crying. Something is wrong somewhere.

I am often right about these things, and I hate that. I'm just trying to BREATHE, because I am on the verge of a panic attack over nothing. Just because I am paranoid doesn't mean the world isn't out to get me, you know? :)

If you read this and are in the inner circle, drop me a little note to let me know you are cool, okay?

Otherwise, soothing noises and petting are in order. I will chill eventually, but if bad news happens today, consider yourself warned.

Nothing in particular is up with me. Other than the fact that the vet wants to do an ultrasound on Sasha (our black lab mix doggie) to see if she has liver cancer. But that isn't scheduled yet.

****UPDATE, 8:26 am*****

I figured it out within 2 phone calls. My dad has another intestinal blockage. This has almost killed him a number of times, and he had a pretty major surgery for it last year that removed a section of dead small intestine. I will await further news.

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