- Little A got some quality "grandma time"
- Highly gratifying cupcakes purchased at Dean & Deluca.
- Shopping for Little A's fall wardrobe
- Cool wildlife in the protected marshland next to mom's beautiful new house.
- Lovely scenery around the wine country, as pictured above
Now for the not so great stuff
- Little A gets bored in the car and keeps trying to get us to turn around and look at her, and gets cranky when the driver can't do it because they are, like, driving.
- Long drives and sightseeing schedule throw off nap/sleep schedules, making for a cranky kiddo overall. Various headbutting ensues. Adults get snappish. Kiddo engages in various acts of not so civil disobedience. Luckily no major public meltdowns, but every little thing was a battle of wills.
- Noisy geese among cool wildlife in protected marshland decide to honk up a storm at about 6 A.M. resulting in everyone getting up. I was the only one not really on board with getting out of bed that early on a Saturday.
- Possible food poisoning incident causes Tony to need the car pulled over by a busy freeway so that he could violently vomit on the side of the road, all over the lovely scenery. Then Little A started crying that SHE wanted to throw up. It took several hours longer than usual to get home.
- Roadkill-big dead deer edition. Bummer.
- Almost road kill-People edition. Big traffic backup and trying to assure Little A that despite the man on the stretcher and the crunched pileup of cars and the 4 ambulances and the fire truck, that everything was fine. She wasn't buying it.
- Getting home and needing to launch into massive loads of laundry.
That is all.
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